the latest
Word of the Day: Heart
Mantra of the Week: I will trust my heart to guide me.
Word of the Day: Give
Mantra of the Week: Give, give, give, give,
The dream is real, and so am I.
Word of the Day: Connection
Mantra of the Week: Everything is connected.
The Collection
Word of the Day: Heart
Mantra of the Week: I will trust my heart to guide me.
Word of the Day: Give
Mantra of the Week: Give, give, give, give,
Word of the Day: Connection
Mantra of the Week: Everything is connected.
Changing your life today, means believing in the potential of your tomorrow. Everything you want and everything you hope to be, is waiting for you. It's waiting for any of us who are willing to be in the work of living our most excellent life; as our most excellent self. You cannot want greatness and only create good.
Word of the Day: Excellence
Mantra of the Week: I will rise up.
Mind Body Melanin
I'm also the Podcast Director at Mind Body Melanin & Co.
Listen in to my podcasts there!