Making Your Next Professional Move — Camille Simone

Making Your Next Professional Move

Here's to your career.

I often think about how hard our generation will have to work if we want to be able to make money doing the things we love (i.e. our creative passions). Today, making a career out of something you love, now means being the most creative version of yourself.

For those of us who are not settled into long-term careers yet, it means finding a job to pay the bills while chasing our dreams on the side. If this is true of your journey right now, keep in mind that you owe yourself a regular check in. Write a vision for your life that excites you and re-evaluate your goals every six months. The career you've been waiting for could be just beyond that bend, but you've got to get there. If the next big leap you have been wanting to take unnerves you a bit, that's a good sign. Lean in and invite a loved one to hold you accountable.

Encourage yourself to stick with the goals you are pursuing right now, and motivate yourself to put a few new things on the list.
